Monday, January 21, 2013

A long overdue return

Yep, forgot about my blog again. I came back to discover that the majority of my page views come from people googling "waiting in parents room for spanking". How sad is that? I've gotta blog about other things so that people will quit only finding my blog from such depressing topics.

Hudson is now 10 months old, and super active! He still only belly crawls, a point of mild concern for his parents, but we suspect he is just lazy. He gets around fast enough that way, why bother getting up on his knees? Silly boy. He is quite the clown, too. He just recently discovered clapping and now everyone gets a round of applause, whether they want it or not :) He also screeches "HIIII" at random people in the grocery store, and I don't think he means it as a greeting but people always think it's just the cutest thing and say "hi" back. Everyone loves him. He's such a loveable child. He sleeps through the night now finally, THANK THE LORD. He will not sleep anywhere but his crib or his carseat. Miraculously, there was no sleep training involved in his crib transition. I just started putting him in it when we moved here, in his own room, and fully expected him to end up back in bed with me but nope, he started sleeping through the night. Weird. I'm not complaining! I do miss the snuggles sometimes, though.

His birthday party is going to be the end of February since we'll be in Texas for most of March and I want to have a little party here for him and his little friends :) It's going to be circus themed, so stay tuned for that!

We are still loving Georgia. Well, at least, I am. I like the weather. It's not too much different from Texas but enough that I am not sweating to death here (yet). In July we are off to Germany, which will be an adventure.

I've been trying lots of crafts I've seen on pinterest and will be posting detailed tutorials on those soon :) Stay tuned for the cozy coupe batmobile, plenty of recipes, photo canvas transfers, some baby finger paint art and more! Spending weeks alone with a baby while Justin is in the field = lots of free time for crafts.

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